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Brian Stanczyk’s Avatar

Brian Stanczyk

Engineering Manager
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Rochester, Minnesota
2 Answers
3926 Reads
1 Karma

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Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Jul 24, 2014 10319 views

What is the difference between majoring in Pre-Engineering and a specific type of engineering (electrical engineering, computer engineering, aerospace engineering, etc.)?

I am asking because some schools offer both and I don't understand the difference. I am going to be senior and I am thinking of majoring in some type of engineering. #college #career #engineer #computer-engineering #electrical-engineering #pre-engineering

Ivan’s Avatar
Ivan May 25, 2023 580 views

What kind of habits should I build if I'm interested in an engineering related future?

Habits often define how people act, what kind of habits should I start building to succeed in the future?