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Katherine Knight’s Avatar

Katherine Knight

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Mahwah, New Jersey
4 Answers
9983 Reads
1 Karma

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Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Jun 06, 2023 3967 views

How do you know you've found the right career ?

By this I mean is that so far all I can think about of a career in my future is becoming a nurse .

sandra’s Avatar
sandra Jun 06, 2023 4203 views

What is advice you would give a stressed high school student who is confused about what career they would like to pursue?

I have very many skills and a constant desire for learning and self-improvement. However, because I love so many subjects, I find it difficult to just stick with one major and am constantly changing my mind about what I actually want to do. Please help!

Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia Jun 07, 2023 1003 views

What jobs are available in the communications field?

I know I want to study communications in college; I'm the communications lead for my robotics team and want to further that knowledge. I'm just not sure what's available to me after college.

marli’s Avatar
marli Jun 07, 2023 801 views

what would be the best way to find a job?

What are the best ways to find a job that would be the one u stick to for the rest of your life? Also why would it be the best way?