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Celso’s Avatar


New York, New York
2 Questions
206 Karma

Celso’s Career Goals

I don't have a career goal yet, I'm looking for advice, I'm interested in coding, and math, the college majors I'm interested in is mechanical, and computer science.



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Celso Jun 07, 2023 1428 views

Could building a computer be called a job?

I'm very passionate about it, but among them, building computers is my favorite because I enjoy putting things together. However, I'm worried that nowadays almost anyone can build a computer by themselves and without their assistance

Celso’s Avatar
Celso Jun 07, 2023 2226 views

what do need to do to get a degree on computer science?

in 2-3 years I'm going to graduate highschool and I want to get a degree for computer science