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William T Jones’s Avatar

William T Jones

Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Silver Spring, Maryland
3 Answers
5437 Reads
1 Karma

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christa’s Avatar
christa Jun 06, 2023 533 views

how can i easily get scouted by professional soccer teams while doing college soccer? and what colleges are best for soccer athletes??

will college soccer help me become professional?

Raphael’s Avatar
Raphael Jun 09, 2023 3538 views

How can I figure out what career is right for me?

I wanna make a lot of money, and I have knowledge in biomedical science, but am interested in music and philosophy. So I am not sure what to do!

Russell’s Avatar
Russell Jun 07, 2023 1405 views

How to raise college CGPA

#spring23 How am I going to raise my CGPA to 3.00 provided I have 2.89 and I am left with only 5 courses left to graduate?