Moshe Krupnick
New York, New YorkBadges

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how am I able to start my path in firefighting/emt?
I am a uprising 11th grader in NYC. Just wondering how I may take a step into this field...

What is a day like for an EMT?
I'm interested in being an EMT after high school #doctor #medicine #emt

What does it take to get into a good college?
I am currently in high school, I’m a junior. I don’t really know what I want to do yet and I don’t know what college I want to go to or what would be the best option for me.

What are some considerable opportunities a pre-med student or any person interested in the medical field should take advantage of?
What are some recommendations for medical opportunities?

what would be a good summer job for me
i would be a lifeguard in the summer.
how much money would i make. #lifeguard