Linda Corn
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what is nursing like, is it hard?
I am just starting out at nursing school and am intrested to hear what other nurses have dealt with.

What would be the most preferred nursing school for me to attend in order to peruse my career of becoming a PICU nurse.? Where can I find a full scholarship for my nursing school, if there are any.? Can someone please give me a list of all the licences I will need to acquire before I am a registered PICU nurse.? Would it be a logical decision for me to go to EMT schooling, become an EMT for about six months and then move onto my career job as a nurse.? The reason I am asking this question is because I have been told by many people who apparently worked in that field that it will prepare me for being a nurse.
Since I am only sixteen years old would I be allowed to go to nursing school, or are there age restrictions to the job, because of the stuff one might see.
Just so you guys know I am finished with high school.

How long into your first nursing job should you feel comfortable with making decisions?
Nursing school teaches us the information and how to apply it, but being outside the clinical setting and actually on your own working with all the responsibilities of the patients makes me nervous for my first job once I graduate. I am just wondering as to how long until you felt comfortable...

How long is nursing school?
I'm 20 trying to get my GED or high school diploma first before I try to become a nurse.

What other nursing careers can I go into?
I'm not really sure what kind of nurse I want to become.

How can I become a RN?
I am currently a junior in high school. I am very interested in nursing, and becoming an RN. I am having trouble understanding the steps , like what do I do first after I graduate high school ? Do I go straight to nursing school ? Do I go to college/university first and if so what classes...

What career is the most engaging?
What career allows for the most engagement with people?

How do I choose what career I want to have in the future?
I am interested in the marketing field, nursing field, and psychology field I feel incredibly passionate about these fields. I am also a junior in high school

I got all A's in my science and math classes, but I have a hard time understanding science. I really want to become a nurse but I'm what can i do to be a better doctor
I got all A's in my science and math classes, but I have a hard time understanding science. I really want to become a nurse but I'm scared I won't be able to pass all the science related classes. Should I become a nurse or think about another major????

I dropped out of medical school; now what?
What are some ways to pivot if you drop out of medical school?
Note: This is part of our Professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform