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Tempe, Arizona
36 Questions
3102 Karma

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Aisha’s Avatar
Aisha Oct 21, 2012 1971 views

How good do you need to be to get a scholarship for sports?

I'm a sophomore in high school. #sports #scholarships

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Aisha Oct 21, 2012 1656 views

Are you just a natural sports or can you work at it.

I am a sophomore in high school. #sports

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Aisha Oct 21, 2012 1986 views

Is there jobs for food testing ?

Im a sophomore in high school. #food

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Aisha Oct 21, 2012 1853 views

Do you need special skills to be an Actor ?

I'm a sophomore in high school. #acting #actor

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Aisha Oct 21, 2012 2030 views

What skills must you have to become an accountant ?

I'm a sophomore in high school. #accounting #accountant

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Aisha Oct 15, 2012 11307 views

Can you be a docter and a teacher at the same time ?

I want to be a Doctor but i still wanna teach. #doctor #teaching #teacher

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Aisha Oct 15, 2012 1573 views

If you have more then one career , are you more likely to spend more time on one then the other?

Im a sophomore in high school. #jobs

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Aisha Oct 15, 2012 1536 views

Is it possible to have more then one career ?

im a sophomore in high school. #jobs

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Aisha Oct 04, 2012 2279 views

Is it challenging to switch careers after working as a lawyer ?

Im a sophomore in high school. #lawyer

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Aisha Oct 04, 2012 1903 views

What kind of prep work do surgeons do before preforming surgery?

I am a freshman in high school and might potentially want to be a surgeon ? #doctor #surgery #surgeon

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Aisha Oct 03, 2012 3335 views

Is it sometimes frustrating to be an educator ?

Im a sophomore in high school. #teaching #teacher #education

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Aisha Sep 29, 2012 1719 views

How hard is it to preform surgery ?

I'm a sophomore in high school and i want to be a doctor. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #surgery #surgeon

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Aisha Sep 29, 2012 2575 views

Do surgeons get nervous while preforming important surgeries ?

I'm a sophomore in high school and i want to be a surgeon. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #surgery #surgeon

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Aisha Sep 29, 2012 1920 views

While preforming surgery is it common to make a mistake ?

I'm a sophomore in high school and i want to be a doctor. But i'm afraid of preforming surgery and making mistakes. i want to know if its uncommon. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #surgery #surgeon

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Aisha Sep 27, 2012 1909 views

Are the classes you take in college for engineering hard ?

Im 16 and in high school. #engineering