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Simran’s Avatar


Leander, Texas
2 Questions
91 Karma

Simran’s Career Goals

I want to be a Plastic Surgeon who allows people to feel as comfortable as they can in their own skin and never let that stop that from living their life.

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Simran’s Avatar
Simran Aug 03, 2023 544 views

What are some niches that people might need to see more of on social media in order to improve their quality of life?

Considering how people have self-help in different ways, just pure force cold showers workout but also calm grwms and collected lifestyles, meanwhile there are also several creators who focus on purely entertainment, however, what really is the difference between entertaining podcasters and...

Simran’s Avatar
Simran Aug 01, 2023 443 views

How many different aspects or hobbies do one need to stay balanced, such as friends, cooking, sports, and studying?

And what constitutes as balanced? Does balanced automatically mean happy? Or is it more productive and on the right track for the future?