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Luke Duncan’s Avatar

Luke Duncan

Adventurer, Lifelong Learner, Software Engineer.
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Francisco, California
4 Answers
129040 Reads
76 Karma

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Prithvi’s Avatar
Prithvi Mar 04, 2014 10158 views

Is doing a double major for Engineering and Economics in college a good choice?

My name is Prithvi and I am a Junior in High School. For a while, I have been interested in majoring in Finance or Economics and college, but I have a lot of experience in Engineering, specifically Computer Science, so I am motivated to take a double major. Should knowledge of Computer Science...

Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Dec 26, 2013 3760 views

As a computer science major what is your career and what are some of your responsibilities?

I would like to get an understanding of the career possibilities for a computer science major. #computer-science #career

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Feb 10, 2014 50871 views

What programming language should I try to learn first?

I am just learning to program in high school, but I am already learning HTML and CSS and Javascript. What should my next programming language be? I am going to go to college and I would like to start learning my next language now so I can be ahead of things for college. I know that "it...

John’s Avatar
John Oct 04, 2013 13290 views

Did your college help you a lot to get your first job?

Hi, My name is Annemarie and I am in highschool. I heard that colleges have job offices that help students get jobs, but they do not guarantee jobs. Some of my older cousins said that they didn't think their college was very helpful for getting a job. Did you get your first job from your...