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Manoj Kumar’s Avatar

Manoj Kumar

Business Intelligence Sr. Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
5 Answers
13664 Reads
1 Karma

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Ganavi’s Avatar
Ganavi May 10, 2016 1434 views

How do I become an IRS officer?

I've completed by 9th standard, I am asking this question to know more about my career.

[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #government #military #career #career-counseling

shahid’s Avatar
shahid May 03, 2016 1539 views

How do I become an IPS officer?

My name is Shahid, I have completed my 10th std. I want to become a IPS officer and was wondering if anybody knew what course I should take to do so. #ipsofficer #government #military #education #career #career-counseling #higher-education

Bhavarth’s Avatar
Bhavarth Aug 02, 2016 1139 views

Which is better option for study in canada engineering 1=>Doing ADVANCE DIPLOMA AND GETTING PR(5yrs)..(less expensive)2=>Complete bachlor in indian(4yrs) and doing MASTERs IN CANADA(little expensive)

Which is better option for study in canada engineering 1=>Doing ADVANCE DIPLOMA AND GETTING PR(5yrs)..(less expensive)2=>Complete bachlor in indian(4yrs) and doing MASTERs IN CANADA(little expensive) #career #career-counseling #software-engineering #study-abroad #foreign-languages...

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Jul 25, 2016 990 views

Is it typical for someone to change their job several times outside of the subject of their first job throughout their lifetime?

I'm a rising sophomore in college and I'm interested in pursuing several different science topics. I am curious to see if it is common for people to change their job to something completely different after doing something for a long period of time? #career-counseling #career-choice...

m’s Avatar
m May 07, 2016 8596 views

how can i improve in my weak subjects

intrested in science subject but unable to pick uop