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Meghan Cleereman Shull’s Avatar

Meghan Cleereman Shull

Instructional Designer
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Detroit, Michigan
8 Answers
14608 Reads
21 Karma

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Jason’s Avatar
Jason Apr 17, 2024 2425 views

How does it feel working from 9 to 5?

asking questions

Helen’s Avatar
Helen Mar 27, 2024 1807 views

Can you be a teacher assistant as an undergraduate?

I'm still not sure if math education is the right choice for me and I want to see if I can do it as an undergrad to test the waters.

Akela’s Avatar
Akela Mar 24, 2023 668 views

Certs for instructional designer with a concentration in health??

What types of certs do you need to become an instructional designer with a concentration in health?

Dagmawit’s Avatar
Dagmawit Mar 31, 2018 1175 views

What are three qualities that a successful instructional designer must have?

I aspire to become an instructional designer.
#instructional-design #education

Nalini’s Avatar
Nalini Jul 03, 2023 743 views

How to start a career in Instructional Design?

I am an SME in the Chemistry field and looking to switch to the Instructional Design field.

I am seeking a piece of serious advice and what are the options for jobs in this Instructional Design field.

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Jan 16, 2018 909 views

Should I major in French if I only took 1 year of French in HS?

I took Spanish for 4 years in high school, and in my senior year I decided to take French I. I've fallen in love with it, and I want to major in French, but is that a good idea? Will it cost me more money in the long run? Will I be too far behind? #majors #French #foreign-languages

Madyson’s Avatar
Madyson Aug 05, 2023 2885 views

What is the best way to start offering private tutoring?

What is the best way to start private tutoring or lessons? I’m hoping to start offering this for students in my community, but I’m unsure of the best way to advertise and reach people, or how to begin at all.

Z’s Avatar
Z Aug 24, 2023 5274 views

What should my next steps be after I graduate high school?

I am 16 and unsure of where to go after I finish high school. I think a community college takes less time, but a University seems like there are more opportunities. The only problem is, I don't have money to attend a Major Institution. How should i go about choosing my next school?