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madhuri latha prathikantam’s Avatar

madhuri latha prathikantam

Data Engineer
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Dublin, California
4 Answers
6121 Reads
11 Karma

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Brittany’s Avatar
Brittany Aug 24, 2023 907 views

What if what im interesting in now can be confusing and changes when im growing up and wont be able to fulfill my dream career if it don't work out!

actress and business enterprenur and in miltary

madison’s Avatar
madison Aug 24, 2023 1390 views

what happens when your profession is not needed anymore?

like if AI replaces your job

Ryann’s Avatar
Ryann Aug 24, 2023 836 views

Is it possible to have two part time careers that generally demand a lot of working hours, such as a model and a lawyer?

I personally have always dreamed of becoming a lawyer until I eventually came to the realization that it would be too stressful for me to work as a lawyer full-time and I have always wanted to try modeling out because I think I would really enjoy it, as I absolutely love fashion but am not...

Samaya’s Avatar
Samaya Aug 24, 2023 2294 views

How did you push yourself to reach that goal and not give up?

How did you push yourself to reach that goal and not give up? What strived you to want that goal? When did you end up reaching it and did you realize it was worth it?