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Balaji V’s Avatar

Balaji V

Senior Technical Analyst at Dell Technologies
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
6 Answers
6760 Reads
106 Karma

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shyam’s Avatar
shyam Aug 04, 2016 1224 views

I want to became a computer engineer, what should I major in? Please guide me!

About my career computer engineer from ghs jbn #engineering #computer #professional

priyanka’s Avatar
priyanka Jun 23, 2016 932 views

i want to become a psychiartic? which course i must take after PUC?

i wanted go to medical field to help the mental ability peoples #doctor #professor #surgeon #expert

Angela’s Avatar
Angela Jun 24, 2016 1127 views

I want to get into a job and travel around the world. I have seen in many lifestyle channels like TLC and FOX where the anchor has visits different countries and does a destination haul. How can I get into a silimar job.

I am totally fascinated by the lifestyle channels. The anchors get to visit various countries, try the cuisine. meet new people. I mean what job can be better than this. How could I get into such a Job. I am from India #journalism #travel #lifestyle #traveling #online-journalism #channel-partners

Neha’s Avatar
Neha Apr 28, 2016 1537 views

I want to become a Photographer

Please suggest me what to do #any

mounesh’s Avatar
mounesh Aug 04, 2016 856 views

what subject i want to take for doctor

about my career #any #professional

Ankit’s Avatar
Ankit Jul 29, 2016 1180 views

which course is better for good future and high income IT or software engineering?

What IT and software engineering mean? #computer-software #it