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Sandra Sims’s Avatar

Sandra Sims

Occupational Health
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Loganville, Georgia
2 Answers
1932 Reads
1 Karma

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marely’s Avatar
marely Sep 11, 2023 904 views

what would be a good age to start nursing? What would be the best job if your just starting one?

i know a lot go after college but like if we don’t go what age would be best if we would start late? like say you didn’t get a job in your teenage years what would be the best job as a starter?

Pragnya’s Avatar
Pragnya Jul 19, 2023 659 views

I would like to go into the medical field, as a high schooler what are some certifications I can do?

I am an upcoming high school senior, so I have not had the opportunity to shadow or volunteer at hospitals. I am looking to do some medical/health-related courses to put me in a higher spot. I already did CPR/AED and first aid.