Umang Patel
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what would be the best collage to go to for a computer science degree?
i currently go to a stem academy and really would like to work as a computer scientist and would like to know what the best collage to go to for that degree would be

What is Scrum and what is Agile?
I have a very basic understanding of what Agile is. I read over the Agile manifesto but I am still having a hard time fully understanding how it fits into software development. I have no real idea what Scrum or being a "Scrum Master" means. Ive heard the terms used before when referring to...

How did you get started in your career?
I am a high school graduate in Jobcorps, wanting to know some information on the happening from anyone in the cisco certified networking profession.

What are the advantages I would get from college?
My goal is to become a software engineer. #college #software #software-engineering #software-engineer #college-advice #college-major