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Cameron Stanley’s Avatar

Cameron Stanley

Paramedic/High school teacher
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
2 Answers
3782 Reads
1 Karma

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Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Oct 03, 2023 3296 views

How is it to be a firefighter and dangerous is it?

I’m Isaiah and I’m 13 I’m from Arizona and I wanted to be a firefighter and all I wanted to know is how difficult it is and the dangers being a firefighter. So if anyone was a firefighter or is I want to know how I can be one and what different types of firefighters there are.

amelia’s Avatar
amelia Oct 03, 2023 499 views

What are the most exciting areas in the healthcare field?

Most exciting, most demanding, just anything that won't be boring.