Cindy Chen
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Why do people go to school?
I believe people to go to school to get a diploma, to prove people that they finish high school or maybe the reason people go to school it's because they want to makes more money. People don't have to go to school to start investing though.

What does it mean to be professional in the workplace?
What is it really to be professional in the workplace?
I take cosmetology class and we were given a presentation on how to be professional in the workplace but I feel as if it missed something so what is it really mean to be professional in the workplace?

How can find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?
Career paths for business ?
For people who work in business and business management what do you find most enjoyable and what made you pick your career
Also how much do you make (if not too personal)
Also best courses and colleges for it

How many years do you need to work at a place before you become a manager?
I really like my job and I'm becoming a trainer for people but not yet management i want to get to that level.