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Aditya Modi’s Avatar

Aditya Modi

Software Engineer at LinkedIn
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
6 Answers
98759 Reads
31 Karma

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Logan ’s Avatar
Logan Mar 12, 2014 2267 views

Is it possible to work full-time as a programmer without a college degree?

Basically If you have plenty of experience but not a degree, can you still work as a programmer? #programming #computing

Marquis’s Avatar
Marquis Sep 30, 2013 2602 views

What is the interview like for programming jobs?

I asked another question about programming jobs and some of the answers talked about interviews. What do they do in an interview for programming and what types of questions are asked? Do you have to study for the interviews as if it's a test? Can you take a class to prepare for the interviews?...

Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Dec 26, 2013 3716 views

Is it possible to just start computer programing once I start college?

I know it is encouraged to start before you enter college, maybe take a class in high school or use free online resources, but can a person become a successful computer programer. Either having the passion for it or not having a strong passion but being a hard worker. #college #computer...

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Feb 10, 2014 49927 views

What programming language should I try to learn first?

I am just learning to program in high school, but I am already learning HTML and CSS and Javascript. What should my next programming language be? I am going to go to college and I would like to start learning my next language now so I can be ahead of things for college. I know that "it...

Tanaia’s Avatar
Tanaia Oct 01, 2013 28253 views

What computer languages do computer science majors study in college?

I really want to start to learn programming but my high school does not have a programming class. When I go to college I want to major in computer science, so I thought I would try to learn the language that I'm going to be learning in college. What computer languages do computer science majors...

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Oct 01, 2013 11968 views

How did you become confident in your programming abilities?

I started trying to learn to program, and I want to ask professional programmers how you became confident in your skills. Did it take you a long time? When did you know you were really awesome at programming? #engineering #programming #confidence