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Aden’s Avatar


Elk River, Minnesota
6 Questions
211 Karma

Aden’s Career Goals

I want to be an aerospace engineer for the military or NASA



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Aden’s Avatar
Aden Nov 08, 2023 451 views

Does a gap year really help if I don’t need to save for college?

I am a sophomore in high school and still have time to consider what I want to do, but am wondering if a gap year would help if I already don't need to save.

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Aden Oct 13, 2023 737 views

How many years of college will it take to become aerospace engineer ?

I am currently in 10th grade and looking at careers for the future.

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Aden Oct 13, 2023 1129 views

What are some classes I can take in high school to aid me in becoming an aerospace engineer?

I am in 10th grade and am looking at classes to aid me in my career.

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Aden Oct 04, 2023 1139 views

What is the work environment like for an aerospace engineer. ?

I want to see how hard the conditions would be.

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Aden Oct 04, 2023 693 views

What types of jobs would I be able to get as a Aerospace Engineering degree besides being able to build aerodynamic vehicles?

I am wondering this to know if I can expand if I end up not wanting to be a rocket scientist.

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Aden Oct 04, 2023 821 views

How hard would engineering school be in college for an above average learner.?

I am still trying to figure out if aerospace engineering would be the best fit for me. I still want to have fun so I would like to know how hard it would be to get through the classes.