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Concord, North Carolina
2 Questions
91 Karma

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priscilla’s Avatar
priscilla Oct 04, 2023 700 views

What jobs can I get with my Bachelors in Psychology ?

I recently graduated and got my bachelors in psych, but i feel like finding a job in this field with this degree is a little difficult. I am open to anything except working with children. Can someone recommend something or give me advice? I don't like the feeling that im wasting my life away...

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priscilla Oct 04, 2023 2217 views

What's the best way to get a psychiatric tech job ?

What's the best way to get a psychiatric tech job? I've been going through indeed and applying to atrium, some apps. get as far as "under consideration/ interview pending" but then always end up getting turned down... I have all the certs I need, is there something I'm doing wrong? It can be a...