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California, California
7 Questions
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Anita Jun 18, 2017 1105 views

Why Ivy League's don't choose me

I've been wondering for a while about Ivy League schools and what their biggest turn off is when it comes to applications. Whether it's low grades or not enough extra curricular activities, I'm not sure.

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Anita Sep 09, 2016 1008 views

Is ROP or Academic Decathlon Team awesome for colleges?

Hey there! So I'm a freshman in highschool right now and I'm planning on joining the Academic Decathlon Team during the Spring. I'm really eager to join because I just adore academic competitions. Do you think this will give me a boost for college since I'm not on a sports team or band? I'm...

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Anita Sep 05, 2016 1566 views

I need help with my extracuricular activities!

Okay so highschool has started and I'm not apart of anything. I'm not in band, orchestra, sports team, theater or anything else. Club rush is coming up and I'm planning on joining a few clubs and being on the academic decathlon team. But, I feel like if I only join clubs in highschool the next...

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Anita Aug 28, 2016 1339 views

What is FAFSA?

Hey there so I had a few questions about FAFSA and what it is and when I should apply? I'm a freshman in highschool but I want to get a head start but I don't know if right now is too early. #college #university #college-admissions #financial-aid #grants #fafsa

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Anita Aug 27, 2016 7322 views

Should I take AP Biology or Regular Physics?

Hey there! So I'm at a controversy right now because I don't know if I should take AP Biology or Physics my Junior year of highschool. So I'm taking: Honors Biology- 9th grade Honors Chemistry- 10th grade AP Biology or Physics- 11th grade AP Bioogy (if I took Physics my 11th year) or AP...

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Anita Aug 26, 2016 2356 views

Will it look bad on my transcript if I take PE instead of a sport?

Hey there! So I'm going to be a freshman in highschool and I wanted to know if not being apart of a team is gonna make me look lazy or seem like I'm not a hardworker when applying for colleges. Most of my friends are on a team, but I just thought that it's just not for me. #college #sports...

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Anita Aug 25, 2016 1394 views

What extracuricular activities/volunteering should I do in Highschool?

Hey there! So, I'm going to become a freshman in a few days and I'm really lost on what I should do with my extracuricular activities/volunteering. I'm not apart of a sports team because I do not enjoy sports like others. And I'm not apart of a program (AVID, Theater, Sport Teams, etc.). What I...