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Nick Wong’s Avatar

Nick Wong

IBM Sales Manager - Data, AI, and Automation Software
Sales and Related Occupations
San Francisco, California
5 Answers
25858 Reads
11 Karma

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jen’s Avatar
jen Dec 11, 2023 7265 views

how to decide on a future career?

I'm having trouble deciding on what career path to go into for my lifelong job, but I cant seem to decide which path to go down.. is there a little hack or something to reduce my options so I can pick one?

Ilknur’s Avatar
Ilknur Dec 11, 2023 5485 views

How do I become a good candidate for internships without prior experience?

I am a sophomore in a liberal arts college, and I want to know how I can get internships and become a strong candidate. I want to go into consulting, but it scares me because of how competitive it is. What kind of traits should I have?

mika’s Avatar
mika Dec 08, 2023 5169 views

What is the best way to figure out what career would best suit you?

I have had trouble for some time going back and forth between career paths and was wondering how others figured it out

Lillian’s Avatar
Lillian Dec 06, 2023 7029 views

How do I advertise and promote my small business, do you have any tips?

i’m 13 and in middle school. I have a babysitting, animal sitting , and dog walking.

Camryn’s Avatar
Camryn Dec 07, 2023 649 views

What career/college do I choose?

I am a 10th grader, I want my future career to be in the medical field, but I don't know what I want to land on. I know I have a lot of time to figure it out, but I want to start early. I was looking at a physician assistant, the job description/what they do really intrigues me and I'm almost...