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Tailisha Rice’s Avatar

Tailisha Rice

Customer Service
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Detroit, Michigan
7 Answers
51547 Reads
1 Karma

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Megan’s Avatar
Megan May 10, 2023 12158 views

How did you find and get hired for your very first job?

I’ve been struggling to find my first job, and I'm curious to hear about how other people have gotten a job when they had no experience.

Jandira’s Avatar
Jandira May 19, 2015 1417 views

How many years do I need to go to college to be a medical assistant?

I go to Madison Park HS in Boston and have chosen the medical assistant vocation because I like to help people and I want to make money. #college #medicine #medical-assisting #medical-assistant

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Feb 09, 2017 32094 views

If you could change one thing about your job, what would it be?

Hey! Just wondering what one thing you would want to change about your job. Would it be the workplace? The hours? The pay? The dress code? Coworkers? What would it be?
Thanks in advance for answering, I appreciate it! #business #medicine #nursing #law #marketing #customer-service

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Mar 09, 2017 9696 views

If you were going to rate your job, 1-10, 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing, what would you rate it?

So, you are filling out a survey for your job. One of the questions is, "Rate your job on a scale of 1-10, 1 being worst and 10 being best." What would you rate your job? Do you wake up every morning excited to go to work, do you just "not mind" working, or do you REALLY hate your job? Thank...

Britteny’s Avatar
Britteny Dec 01, 2021 4982 views

How do you deal with customers when they are rude ?

#career #cashier #customerservice

Riley’s Avatar
Riley Dec 14, 2022 6170 views

For those working in customer service jobs, what parts about that job could you see being a turn-off for those interested?

I'm curious about jobs like that but have heard a lot of horror stories and just want to know what the average experience is like.

Teresa’s Avatar
Teresa Aug 14, 2023 2332 views

Any advice about becoming a medical assistant?

What subject I must take to be a medical assistant? What is something that you wish to tell me that you wish you had known sooner? What tools would I need while studying to become a medical assistant? What does a normal day for a medical assistant look like?