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Josh Thias’s Avatar

Josh Thias

Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Austin, Texas
6 Answers
10544 Reads
11 Karma

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Faridosha’s Avatar
Faridosha Dec 12, 2023 1243 views

What college is best for engineering classes?

How to succeed in my career, what to do inorder to be able to achieve my dreams, and what are the steps to follow and what can mentor me to able to see my dreams come through.

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Dec 20, 2023 1254 views

What advice would you give a high school student who got his first D, and is looking to apply to a Top 20 University?

Recently got a D+ in AP- Pre-Cal. It's my only D; The rest of my grades are mostly A's.

Glorieliz’s Avatar
Glorieliz Dec 16, 2023 1659 views

What are some writing tips?

What are some writing tips on how to organize a research paper. How do you set it up and what do you have to add to it. What is the best topic to do it on.

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Dec 21, 2023 3769 views

Who can I get a letter of recommendation from if I completed my bachelors degree online?

I need a few letters of recommendation for graduate school, but I'm not sure who to ask because I haven't interacted with my college professors much at all.

roxann’s Avatar
roxann Sep 05, 2023 539 views

should i be looking for a job right now?

i'm 15 and in 10th grade and i'm unsure if i should get a job. i want money for myself to spend , but i don't want to have a lot of stress on me with school and a job.

dh’s Avatar
dh Dec 20, 2023 1205 views

Should I pick a career/major that is easy for me, but still fun and aligns with my personal goals, or a career that would be a challenge for me, but has been my dream since I was a kid?

I am debating picking between biochemistry (and eventually become a pediatrician) which would align with my personal goals of making a difference in the world, or astrophysics, (physics is definitely a difficult class for me). I am a good student and would be able to commit to both, but also...