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Los Angeles, California
10 Questions
726 Karma

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Michael Sep 28, 2016 2821 views

How do you set up short-term goals?

I am unsure how to set up a desire to accomplish simple planning. #engineering #aviation #japan #athletic-training #computer-games #university-teaching #motivational-speaking #undecided

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Michael Sep 28, 2016 1609 views

How do I find my passion in life?

I have been asked this question more than once in my life time. But, I am unsure what my passion is I haven't narrowed it down. I need some advise for a sense of direction. #career-counseling #entrepreneurship #japan #entertainment #sports-media #philanthropist #undecided

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Michael Sep 28, 2016 2047 views

How do you set goals to accomplish a long term goal?

I am asking to here other professionals options, I don't want to be closed to learning something new. #entrepreneurship #social-work #law-enforcement #japan #therapists #family-therapy #real-estate-agent

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Michael Sep 28, 2016 1244 views

How do you find a better way of studying ?

I think there is more than one way of learning, so in order to help produce better grades. Better study habits are necessary, I want better grades. #higher-education #japan #principal #elementary-education #middle-school #creative-direction

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Michael Sep 28, 2016 3002 views

How do you build up your credit score?

I want in the future to walk into an establishment, with them knowing that payment is coming.Not only that but, giving me what is consider above average waiting time to make a first payment? #financial-services #japan #public-relations #corporate-finance #coordinator #change-agent

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Michael Sep 28, 2016 1419 views

How do you choose the life insurance policy?

I want my family to be taken care of financially,once I have moved forward with my life. #lawyer #japan #investment-banking #family #general-insurance

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Michael Sep 28, 2016 1272 views

What are two types of stocks?

I want to know the difference between the two, in order to make short and long term investments. #japan #sports-agent #stocks-investing #stockbroker

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Michael Sep 24, 2016 1685 views

How do you create a investment portfolio?

I want to ensure any organization, before we collaborate on an assignment my financial track record. For example 3-5 prior to me taking over the organization. An introduction of behaviors and habits for initially, what will consider as a ground breaking process, Next, individuals will be...

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Michael Sep 24, 2016 1542 views

What's the difference between a Certificate of Deposit and Stock market investment?

I am asking because I want to put some money aside for a long term investment. #japan #accounting

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Michael Sep 22, 2016 1398 views

How do I find funding,after establishing a business plan?

This is the next stage in my business endeavors. I am more worried about getting it done, based upon the act I am worried about failing. Plus, as a public service or charitable organization, I want to able to give back. I am in graduate school and learning more than I knew prior. Being able to...