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Stefanie Wehrle’s Avatar

Stefanie Wehrle

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4 Answers
3213 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Kingsley’s Avatar
Kingsley Apr 05 362 views

How can I learn ?

By being active listener

Shad’s Avatar
Shad Feb 21 924 views

what are the coping mechanism of accountants on the evolving accounting standards?

coping mechanisms of accountants

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Apr 05 1079 views

How do accountants use AI in their work?

I am very interested in math an AI. My dad tells me I should consider accounting but I also am super obsessed with AI right now and wonder if that's something that is helping accountants right now

Ayanna’s Avatar
Ayanna Jan 15 2475 views

How hard is the CPA exam?

Hi, I'm a freshman at TSU and I major in Accounting and aspire to be at CPA I want to learn as much as I possibly can because this is a huge dream of mine.