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Big Lake, Minnesota
7 Questions
291 Karma

Mallory’s Career Goals

After finishing my high school education, I am hoping to be accepted into a Christian College to get my ministry and teaching degree. After finishing all of my education I am planning on becoming a missionary/teacher in another country, and to help and teach other people. Along with this, I am thinking of possibly get my pilot license for smaller planes.


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Mallory Oct 25, 2024 552 views

If I am thinking of being a teacher as a current junior in high school, what are are best classes I can be taking right now?

I am thinking of doing Elementary, Middle School, maybe high school. I've also thought about possibly adding Special Education to it as well or teaching English as a second language. I'm not sure what others have tried or what has worked and has not worked for people.

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Mallory Feb 12, 2024 923 views

Is it easy to get scholarships to teach overseas, or teaching/doing missions work?

I am a 10th grader, trying to figure out all I want to do, as well as how much the cost is going to be.

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Mallory Feb 08, 2024 909 views

What is a good college to get an education degree, and to be trained as a missionary? What hasn't worked well? What education classes benefit towards this plan?

I'm a sophomore in high school, and I'm trying to see what is out there, and what has worked and is recommended. I am trying to figure out what classes to take for PSEO that will benefit, and find the right path.

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Mallory Feb 08, 2024 1081 views

What was the place you went to, and how has God provided? What is some of your stories of easy and hard parts of being a missionary? What is some practical steps to grow and prepare?

I am a sophomore in high school. I feel called to ministry, and I've been able to talk with some about it, but I know everyone has a story. I like to get more input from who I can.

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Mallory Feb 06, 2024 22914 views

How easy it it to get your pilots license, and what is the cost?

I am a sophomore in high school, and got to pilot some in a four person plane, as an experience with a trainer. I really enjoyed it and I am trying to figure out if it is worth it for me to pursue.

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Mallory Feb 06, 2024 1497 views

What is the easiest part of teaching, hardest part of teaching, and best part of teaching?

I am a sophomore in high school, I am trying to see what age range/grade, subjects, and things that are pros and cons.

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Mallory Feb 06, 2024 4265 views

What is the actual amount of hours teachers work in a week?

Such as on a daily basis, or depending on the type of school or grade?