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San Jose, California
6 Questions
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Alexander Mar 12, 2014 1732 views

How do I follow up on an internship?

If I apply for an internship through email and receive no response, how many days do I wait until I re-email the person and how do I do so without sounding rude or annoying? #career #jobs #interviews #internship

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Alexander Mar 12, 2014 1493 views

How do work studies work?

What are work studies? All I know are that they are jobs you have in college which seem neat. #college #career #research #work

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Alexander Mar 12, 2014 2516 views

What are inappropriate and personal things you should not discuss in an interview?

I don't want to come off as nosy but I also want to have personality and humor into the interview to make it as best as possible. #career #jobs #interviews #internship #interviewing

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Alexander Mar 12, 2014 7136 views

How should I dress to an interview?

I am scared of looking bad and giving a bad first impression with the stuff I will wear. #career #jobs #interviews #dress-for-success

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Alexander Mar 05, 2014 6228 views

What is the future on hardware engineering?

My father is a hardware engineer who loves his job and gets a good living out of it. However, software engineering tends to dominate over hardware engineering nowadays and I was wondering is hardware engineering going to survive and be as fruitful at this rate? #engineering #engineer #jobs...

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Alexander Mar 05, 2014 1329 views

How can I create Sandow's dream world as a physician?

Dear Physicians and Health Fanatics: I am currently a high school junior with big dreams but little to no influence on society at the moment. After years of Cross Country running, amateur competitive boxing, and staying fit and healthy in general, I have come to espouse health & fitness as a...