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Rodolfo Ducos’s Avatar

Rodolfo Ducos

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
4 Answers
4000 Reads
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Colby’s Avatar
Colby Oct 20, 2015 1144 views

What is a good collage to go to for graphic designing?

I am asking because the field I want to go into is graphic designing.I am in 6th grade and I am very artistic. This will help me because I am hooked on this career and I am curious on the topic.Thank you for any help given. #technology #graphic-design

Alec’s Avatar
Alec May 29, 2016 1170 views

Are there any specific phone apps that can help me during my college career?

I was just curious about if there are any specific phone apps that may be able to help me during my studies as well as college life in general. #college #technology #media #apps

shaheen’s Avatar
shaheen May 19, 2016 940 views

What is a job in finance like? What types of work does it involve? And in your opinion, is it a good or bad career path to pursue?

Interested in a career in finance/financial work. #2

Miles’s Avatar
Miles Oct 05, 2016 1150 views

Does being a decent, good, or great writer play an important part in future careers?

Is becoming a good writer extremely necessary in the business world, especially in fields such as finance because I do not understand why we need to take multiple English classes in college. #business #finance