Rebekah’s Career Goals
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Do you need to go to college to be an animal trainer and do you have to study a specific group like dogs or marine animals ?
I want to become an animal trainer and work with whatever animals I can. I am just wondering if college is necessary because I struggle with math and science and biology.

What type of schooling or skills would you need to be a flight attendant ?
I love to travel and am looking into being a flight attendant but I am unsure what I would need to purse or what skills I would need.

What schooling would you need to become a marine animal trainer/ rehabilitation person?
I am in 11 grade and considering a career as a marine animal trainer and was wondering what subjects I would need to take.

What types of archaeological jobs are there and what basic schooling would you need?
I have been interested in archeology for some time. Especially ancient Egypt and was curious what it would be like to pursue it farther

What is a good career working with marine animals if I struggle with math and biology?
I am very interested in sharks and all marine life. I want to find a career working with marine animals. However, I struggle very much with math and biology. I'm not sure what jobs will be good for me to pursue. Or what type of education I should be looking at getting.