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Summer Johnson’s Avatar

Summer Johnson

Financial Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Houston, Texas
3 Answers
11157 Reads
11 Karma

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Nora’s Avatar
Nora Feb 08, 2024 3749 views

As a high school student, how do I know if a finance is the right college major for me?

I'm a 17 year old rising high school senior, and I've been learning basics about taking spending and investments in my free time for the past year or so. I've decided that I want to study finance in college, but I'm still not entirely sure about my decision. #finance #University #College

Bella’s Avatar
Bella Feb 15, 2024 977 views

How much more expensive are out-of-state colleges than in-state?

Don't want a lot of loans.

Aisha’s Avatar
Aisha Feb 21, 2024 6701 views

Do you think it is worth doing the IB program to get into a top 20 school?

I selected my classes for next year and chose to do the IB program. I am starting to regret that choice. I would rather do partial IB. Do you think It’ll look bad if I drop out of the IB program to do partial IB? My goal is to get into a top 20 school. Also my school is an IB school so they do...