Career questions tagged brown-university

How do I get medical experience as a highschool student?
Hi, I'm a highschool student and I'm trying to apply to the PLME for brown. I have a 1230 SAT and 25 ACT. I have a 4.7 gpa weighted and 3.84 nonweighted I am the ASB President and board member for the Interact Cub as well as the president for the Orthodox Club. I volunteer at the hospital and I Teach hymns at my church. The problem is, I know I don't stand out. I want to gain more experience in the medical field so I can appear as motivated as I am as well as, I would love any new experience. What do you think I can do? How can I apply for these experiences?in what ways can i make myself stand out as medically inclined highschool student?

Do you think it is worth doing the IB program to get into a top 20 school?
I selected my classes for next year and chose to do the IB program. I am starting to regret that choice. I would rather do partial IB. Do you think It’ll look bad if I drop out of the IB program to do partial IB? My goal is to get into a top 20 school. Also my school is an IB school so they do not offer AP classes. I am currently in 10th grade.

what is the SAT score range for getting into Ivy League schools?
SAT score range and the accomplishments people do in high schools. What makes those students stand out from the others? General comments about Ivy League schools. #ivyleague #ACT #college-major #college #SAT #university #howard-university #brown-university #columbia-university

Is it better to go into debt to go to an Ivy League or go to a UC and have a comparatively smaller debt level?
Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at CareerVillage. I'm facing this decision currently for Brown University vs. UCSD for Computational Biology. Most of my family and friends want me to go to Brown, but my best friend pointed out that tuition for four years at UCSD is equivalent to one year at Brown. Currently, based on students and alumni I've met at both schools, I'm looking towards Brown. Thoughts on the drawbacks and benefits, and which decision I should lean towards? #college #computer-science #finance #money #personal-finance #ucsd #brown-university