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Abbas’s Avatar
Abbas Sep 28, 2016 1629 views

How do you think my university’s reputation is viewed when it comes to hiring?

when applying to a job how much is based off skill and merit when interviewers question you
#computer-software #computer #management #programming #personal-development #job-application

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua May 30, 2016 2201 views

I'm thinking of learning how to develop mobile apps. Which is more valuable to companies iOS or Android? I

I can't decide which operating system to focus on. #software #software-development #software-engineer #android #ios #mobile #mobile-app

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Aug 19, 2016 1173 views

What are issues that people in the international business field see often?

I am a college freshman who is wanting to know all of the positives and negatives to a job abroad. #business-development #international #international-business #international-trade #trade

Abbas’s Avatar
Abbas Sep 28, 2016 3755 views

What abilities or personal qualities do you believe contribute most to success in this field/job?

generally what would be the best qualities that regardless all employers look for
#computer-software #management #programming #project-management