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Emily Livermore’s Avatar

Emily Livermore

Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology at PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium
Community and Social Service Occupations
California, California
5 Answers
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Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 05, 2016 2820 views

When should psychology majors looking to pursue a Ph.D. program plan to enter said program?

I'm currently a freshman psychology major, but I want to start planning early for what I want to do upon graduating with my bachelors. I'd like to become a psychology professor and researcher. I've heard a number of different options for this...1.) You can attend a grad program straight out of...

Nora’s Avatar
Nora May 18, 2016 1309 views

How could planning to spend some years as a stay-at-home mom affect my career choice?

I know I want to work as a therapist in my future, and I feel that my career would be a very important part of my life. At the same time, I know I also want to have a family, and I'd like to spend at least a few years at home with my children, assuming this is financially feasible for our...

KRISTIE’s Avatar
KRISTIE May 24, 2016 1082 views

is majoring in psych difficult?

I am majoring in it. #psychology

Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine Oct 11, 2016 2392 views

What's the difference between a Ph.D and Psy.D?

I want to become a clinical psychologist but I'm not sure which one of these would be more beneficial? #college #psychology #degree

Jian sheng’s Avatar
Jian sheng May 13, 2016 2034 views

How long does it take me to reach my doctorate degree in psychology? Is it benefical for me to get a Psy. D in psychology or a Ph. D in psychology at the end? Should I double major biology and psychology in college to give myself an edge when applying t

I am going to attend stony brook university in the coming fall to major in psychology. My career aspiration is to become a psychologist or a psychiatrist so I can help people with mental disorders. I don't know whether or not if I should double major psychology and biology or chemistry in...