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Antonio’s Avatar


San Jose, California
5 Questions
346 Karma

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Antonio Mar 09 768 views

Is there any specific jobs you should work at while going to college to earn money to pay for your academic year ?

Which job should I consider would part time are full time be better?

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Antonio Mar 09 590 views

How should you get started I'd you want to major in software engineering? College or University?

Would SJCC be a good choice for a 2 year and would transferring to SJSU be a good choice to go after the 2 years in college?

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Antonio Mar 09 752 views

For a software engineer do they code a lot?

What programs do they use the most if they do?

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Antonio Mar 09 487 views

Is it hard pursuing a academic pathway towards the major of software engineering ?

How many years does it take if someone's planning to go to college for 2 year and then transferring to a 4 year

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Antonio Mar 09 512 views

How much money approximately would I spend on going to a 2 year college to major in the departnt of software engineering before transferring to a University.

I'm planning to go to SJCC