Dillon Leavitt
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How do I become a film writer. Such as someone who makes a comic book movie?
Some one who can create movies based off their own thoughts.

what do I need to know I want to be a film director?
I am currently in grade 8 I want know what subjects I need to take in grade 10 . I also want to know what I should study in university I

How movie?
How do directors land jobs in the film industry? Additional I was curious on how directors reach out to actors to star in their films. Do they have connections?

How a film director can collaborate with a worldwide film directors, and make new film's with together, and how they can find a producer for their future project's Expecting film directors to collaborate.?
How a film director can collaborate with a worldwide film directors, and make new film's with together, and how they can find a producer for their future project's?
Expecting film directors to collaborate.