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Coleen Goodwyn’s Avatar

Coleen Goodwyn

Registered Nurse
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 Answers
1890 Reads
11 Karma

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kathy’s Avatar
kathy Mar 21 824 views

What are the pros and cons of becoming a travel nurse?

What are the best ways to adjust new hospital and group patient?

Lisa’s Avatar
Lisa Jul 16, 2024 768 views

Which do you prefer, ADN or BSN program?

My goal is to be a NP, and I am now thinking about doing an ADN or BSN program. I'm feeling like going to an ADN because I heard that an ADN has a higher chance of getting in than a BSN. Also after finishing ADN, I thought I could take a RN-BSN program. One more reason that I thought going to...

Onyx’s Avatar
Onyx Jul 16, 2024 671 views

How did you go about becoming a psychiatric nurse?

I'm a student at Job Corps and would love to better know about this field. If you have any other info on this field please let me know.