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Sanjay Rao’s Avatar

Sanjay Rao

Software and Systems Architecture Development
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Middletown, New Jersey
3 Answers
1794 Reads
11 Karma

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Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina May 03 1109 views

What do I need to become a software engineer, academic requirements, grades, skills? What are the opportunities of a software engineer

What is needed to know about software engineering?
Benefits of being a software engineer?
Career opportunities of a software engineer?
Salary of a software engineer?

Lindsay’s Avatar
Lindsay May 26, 2016 954 views

What fields of study and careers will we see start to disappear if technology continues to advance?

Many people in older generations have seen their careers and areas of expertise become insignificant through better technology. I am curious about other fields we may see disappear. #technology

Alaric’s Avatar
Alaric Mar 25 756 views

Should I focus on DSP or acoustic engineering? Also, any steps to take towards these careers?

I like both math and audio, which initially led to me discovering DSP. However, I discovered acoustic engineering, which I find to be equally interesting. I have experience in theatre sound and music production. I’m also infrequently learning to code.