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Cenk Sagnak’s Avatar

Cenk Sagnak

Regional Program Manager at Dell EMC
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Istanbul, Turkey
2 Answers
14406 Reads
1 Karma

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rishi’s Avatar
rishi Jul 08, 2016 12148 views

I have completed 10th recently with 87%. i want to learn computer engineering. My cousin referred me to learn IT engineering. What is the difference between IT engineering and computer engineering?

for future learning #computer-science #computer-software #technology #computer-hardware #information #services

Kathleen’s Avatar
Kathleen May 17, 2016 2276 views

How important is your GPA when applying for jobs?

Do employers who have a lot of applicants narrow down their search by looking at GPA? #job-search #resume #gpa #job-applications #competition