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Rachel Simoneau’s Avatar

Rachel Simoneau

Sr. Program Manager
Washington, Washington
4 Answers
9804 Reads
2 Karma

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Veronika’s Avatar
Veronika Apr 17 1234 views

How important is finding a backup plan if you already have a solid and realistic plan?

I intend to go to college for psychology and become a children's therapist. Do I really need a backup?

Veronica’s Avatar
Veronica Mar 16 970 views

How can I promote my Blog/Website?

I'm creating a blog/website that spreads awareness to Mental health and provides the resources needed to contact anyone if you need help. I haven't finished it yet, but I've been pretty worried that no one will be able to see it and my work will go to waste. I've been wondering, how can I...

Aly’s Avatar
Aly Nov 08, 2023 8850 views

I want to shift course but I have many things/factors to consider. What should I do ?

I am currently a first-year, taking Bachelor of Elementary Education but lately I feel burned out with this course plus considering the surrounding within my course which is so toxic, and honestly I don't think teaching is something that I am passionate about. Now I've been thinking of...

Nayla’s Avatar
Nayla Dec 17, 2023 638 views

How can I navigate communications majors?

It can be hard to define being a communications major.