Jennifer Gottschalk
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how flexible is you schedule?
Are you able to take time off for vacations, or take weekends off?

What helped you find your calling?
I'm in 9th grade I'm thinking of becoming a lawyer but I don't know what type, what helped you find the law you wanted?

How can I use the ability to be patient to help with certain skills such as communication to help become a lawyer?
I'm an 8th grader and I'm 13 years old. My favorite class in school is English. I have skills in writing and time management. One of my hobbies is art, such as drawing.

What skills helped you prepare for your job?
It would also be appreciated if you can leave your name, your job title, and what company you work for. Thank you.

which would be the best job lawyer or lecturer?
i am a arts student and completed 12th #lawyers #principal #lecturer #legal #lawyer #teacher

How do I write a good resume for a job like being an IT engineer and Business, and how do I get to a comfortable level of IT and Sports ?
I wanted to ask if I could end up doing IT and Sports because I play basketball and I want to have a career in basketball but again in IT and business