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Amparo’s Avatar


Hanover Park, Illinois
7 Questions
662 Karma

Amparo’s Career Goals

I want to work in the hospitalty field.

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Amparo Dec 14 278 views

What Are The Responsibilities For Becoming A Bus Aide?

The reason I'm asking this question because after I leave Higgins, I want to become a bus aide and I need to know about the duties and responsibilities for becoming one.

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Amparo Jul 10 1057 views

What Should I Do So I Can Prepare For The Workplace?

I'm starting out of school next year and I want to know some tips OR suggestions so that when I'm ready to get a job I can be aware.

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Amparo Apr 27 831 views

Do You Guys Know Any Jobs Places That Are Hiring For People For Inventory?

The reason I'm asking that is because I'm really good at doing inventory a my jobsite and I was wondering if you guys know any job places that need hiring for inventory

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Amparo Apr 20 654 views

What Are The Requirements To Become A SLP?

The reason I’m wondering this is because I wanted to become a Speech Language Pathologist and I wanted to know what it takes in order to become one. I want to know what types of schools and Subjects I need to do in order to become one?

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Amparo Apr 20 3261 views

What Are Good Practice Interview Sites ?

The reason I’m asking that is because I have a practice Mock Interview in my school in May and I want to know what websites I can use so I can begin practicing and earn a good score in my Mock Interview

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Amparo Apr 20 3238 views

Why Is It Important To Go To College After Finishing High School?

The reason I’m asking that is because I’m done with high school and I want to know the reason of why is it important to go to college after high school.

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Amparo Apr 20 3783 views

What Are The Requirements For Being A Massage Therapist ?

The reason I’m asking that question is because I want to take a massage therapist class at Harper and I was wondering if there are any requirements for me to take in order to get my degree