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Sophie Akbasli’s Avatar

Sophie Akbasli

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Raleigh, North Carolina
4 Answers
3775 Reads
1 Karma

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Arsh’s Avatar
Arsh Apr 24, 2024 668 views

Does anyone know any good scholarships to apply to for current high school juniors ?

I have been looking for scholarships to apply to but it has been hard to find scholarships that are for high school juniors. If you are aware of any, please let me know! Thank you.

Juan’s Avatar
Juan Apr 23, 2024 1084 views

What is the importance of a career?

A career is more than just a job – it is a long-term pursuit that can provide personal fulfilment, financial stability, and a sense of purpose. The importance of choosing a career lies in its ability to provide direction and focus for your goals and aspirations.

Laniece’s Avatar
Laniece Oct 08, 2018 871 views

How can I become a librarian?

#library#librarian#career# #career-choice #career-counseling #teaching

Mark’s Avatar
Mark Apr 23, 2024 1759 views

How does one join a large IT company like Microsoft, IBM etc from college?

Can I apply directly to these companies ? How do I know where to go ?