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Kayenta, Arizona
3 Questions
121 Karma

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Utah Oct 27, 2016 1418 views

Will studying Physics help me better understand the study of Atmospheric Science?

I've always wanted to study Atmospheric Science and get my masters in that degree, but my parents says it is smarter to get a degree in Physics first, then transfer to Atmospheric Science. Is this a smart move or will it be a waste of time? Is there another degree I could take to help my study...

Utah’s Avatar
Utah Oct 27, 2016 797 views

Which post secondary school is best to gain a masters in Physics?

I'm curious on what others view as the best post secondary school to gain a masters in Physics. The Physics department in some of the post secondary schools in my state are that interesting or are quite small. I need more ideas. #science #physics #masters-degree

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Utah Oct 27, 2016 1151 views

What is the best degree to have between Physics and Engineering Physics?

I want to get my masters in Physics, but my parents are telling me to go into Engineering Physics. They say Physics will not get me far in life, unlike Engineering Physics. I just want to study Physics, but what degree is more challenging and impressive? #engineering #science #college-major #physics