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Emporia, Kansas
2 Questions
91 Karma

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Kostin Oct 28, 2016 899 views

Is there any minors you would suggest getting along with an engineering degree?

I am trying to decide whether to use the extra class slots I will have open, due to taking college classes in high school, to get a minor, or to skip the minor and get a masters in 4 years in architectural engineering. I am wondering if it is that beneficial to get a minor, in say business,...

Kostin’s Avatar
Kostin Oct 28, 2016 884 views

Is there a career in the engineering field that specifically does green energy work?

I am very interested in the environment and would like the work that I do to have something to do with keeping it "green". Ways to get water to drought ridden areas, cleaning plastic out of the oceans, making buildings more efficient, etc. #engineer #civil-engineering #architectural