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Jacqueline Soriano’s Avatar

Jacqueline Soriano

Cardiac sonographer
Healthcare Support Occupations
7 Answers
2849 Reads
1 Karma

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Aryanna’s Avatar
Aryanna Dec 13 298 views

What inspired you to pursue a career in diagnostic medical sonography?

what do you think

casandra’s Avatar
casandra Nov 21 268 views

What class's do you need to take in order to become an ultrasound tech?

What class's do you need to take in high school to qualify in college? What is hard about being/becoming an ultrasound tech? Can you apply at a hospital or only a clinic?

Genesis’s Avatar
Genesis May 21 398 views

Advice for which medical job to get?

There's a variety of jobs in the medical field. However, I can't find the best fit for me. I would like something with good pay and good experience in working that field. Specifically, i would want recommendation's.

Sophie’s Avatar
Sophie Apr 01 1593 views

How to become a Ultrasound Technician ?

Hello I have another question so my Plan B is to become a Ultrasound Technician some people said I can go to trade school. Please can someone tell me the step by step things I need and like step by step on how to become a ultrasound Tech. (

Recce’s Avatar
Recce May 16 418 views

How to choose a career?

How to build skills and also to double work into the career path

Vy’s Avatar
Vy May 17, 2023 607 views

What is the salary for a Ultrasound Tech/Sonographer?

Hello! My name is Vy,
I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the Ultrasound/Sonography field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! Please answer my questions to help me in my assignment.

Karl’s Avatar
Karl Apr 27 384 views

What does the field of medicine entail?

What does the field of medicine entail?