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James Williams’s Avatar

James Williams

Brough, England, United Kingdom
3 Answers
4037 Reads
31 Karma

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Jerry’s Avatar
Jerry May 15, 2024 1545 views

How can I get enrolled for internship with a tech company ?

What is the best way to get started on applying for internships or gaining experience in the field of computer engineering?

I'm a college student pursuing a major in computer engineering. I want to gain experience in the field to be ready for the workforce. How would I get started in doing so?

Humphrey’s Avatar
Humphrey May 14, 2024 1433 views

What computer ethic is best to study and pays well ?

Like computer analysis
Programmer etc

Yolanda’s Avatar
Yolanda May 16, 2024 1541 views

What are some common mistakes to avoid in a job interview?

I am a student in grade 11 and would like to understand how interview patterns are structured especially in the area of construction.