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Kaufman, Texas
2 Questions
151 Karma

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Jacob’s Avatar
Jacob Oct 30, 2016 1387 views

What are some career fields for electrical engineers?

I enjoy the electrical aspects of engineering such as circuitry and microelectronics. I enjoy home-automation, IOT, and robotics. However, I really do not want to end up being an electrician (not that there is anything that wrong with that; it's just not my thing). So, what are some other...

Jacob’s Avatar
Jacob Oct 30, 2016 2882 views

Do many of the required engineering courses for different engineering majors overlap?

I know that I want to major in engineering, but I am currently uncertain as to what specific major I want. If I get into college and decide to change my major from one field of engineering to another, how well do the classes overlap? Do I really have to know what specific field I want to go...