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Lina’s Avatar
Lina Jan 02 1049 views

For those with children, how do you inspire them to read?

I am studying Library Science and Information Technology, and I am struggling to get kids to read! Any ideas?

Dana’s Avatar
Dana Jan 13 730 views

Requesting assistance and or ideas to improve my English fluency to better communicate with locals and develop my business. I am relocating to another country and will start a small business there.?

I am relocating to another country and will start a small business there. I want to learn English fluency to communicate with people and develop my business by having English speaking skills. I am currently at a B1-B2 level of proficiency. Can anyone suggest how I can do this? I need some help...

Mariaelena’s Avatar
Mariaelena Jun 08, 2024 966 views

I am exploring the ways that my skills and values align. I value achievement, commitment, and independence and my strongest skills are related to technology; these included listening, computer, and organizing. Can you help me identify careers where both the values and these skills align ?

I just graduated high school and plan to go to community college for two years and then transfer to Cal State LA

Naomi’s Avatar
Naomi Apr 02, 2024 1748 views

best things i have to do to learn new skills?

best things i have to do to learn new skills?

Rodgers’s Avatar
Rodgers May 07, 2024 2752 views

what are the best skills in the current world?

high paying