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Thomas Dias Batista’s Avatar

Thomas Dias Batista

Lead Product Designer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Bluffdale, Utah
3 Answers
3799 Reads
2 Karma



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Shemye’s Avatar
Shemye May 11 1485 views

What's the easiest way to learn Ui /Ux design?

What's the easiest way to learn a UI and ux website design

C’s Avatar
C May 22 635 views

How can someone start practicing game development?

How can someone begin practicing working on games?
Where do they start in this field; the best place to begin?
What do they do to find their career path in this subject?

Radhika’s Avatar
Radhika May 28 2923 views

Can anyone suggest me some careers which have both computer science and art (drawing)?

I actually want a career which requires little math and as I am interested in art and computer as well